Saturday 3 September 2011

Designers that float my boat and their current affairs.

I don't really have 3 favourite designers, there are just a lot of designers that I like, or like some of their work and maybe not like the rest. As for designers from whom I have drawn influence from:

  • David Carson, who was one of the first graphic designers I ever looked at thanks to my GCSE art teacher, and was one of the reasons I fell so irrevocably in love with typography, so I will always have a place for his work, no matter how "out dated" his work is perceived as.
  • Josef Müller-Brockmann was a designer I started looking at in my foundation year, as I started branching out my style a bit more from Carson/Brody type rule breaking "grungyness" and started looking at 60s post modernism/swiss design. I love the clean cut designs with the whole grid system. Perfectionism. 
  • Saul Bass because I think his posters are beautifully timeless. 
  • Noma Bar, i love clever posters
  • Olly Moss. AMAZING. 
  • Hans Schleger "Zero"
  • Abram Games

Olly Moss, who I found back in about March at the beginning on my final major project, as he had designed the alternative film posters for Black Swan and there was an article in Creative Review about them, also showing his awesome Star Wars film poster prints.

He did his first solo-show in 1988 Gallery on May 7th, with like loads of silhouettes of pop culture icons. Looked amaaaaaaaazing!

He also did the illustration for this month's Empire Magazine's August issue:

Along with creating the propaganda posters for Captain America with Paramount Pictures..

...and Insomniac and Sony asked him to design the box art for the new Resistance 3 game, as the game trailer was greatly influenced by his style.

As for what he is doing RIGHT THIS MOMENT IN TIME PRECISELY, well I have no idea.

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