Thursday 1 September 2011

5 Shows/Galleries/Events

Due to my lack of money and also being situated in the most boring city in the country, in which the only thing you could slightly begin to class as a gallery would be Tullie House which, I am afraid that I have not had the opportunity to visit 5 shows/galleries/events. I did however venture to Chester zoo.
Anyway, why do you think I'm moving to LONDON?!

(However, if you would like to see some photos from my adventure to the zoo, here are a couple of shit photos.)

Now you've seen what an amazing, jam packed and entertaining summer I had I will tell you about a gallery I went to in December in London when I went with college, called Reverting To Type. All week I was quite pissed off because, no offence, but I got a bit bored shitless trailing through the V&A looking at railings and massive paintings that didn't inspire me in the slightest. Even the Tate Modern didn't really have anything amazing in, with the exception of Andy Warhol's "Gun," which I love. Give me a print over a painting of a naked guy with a leaf over his genitals or touching God's hand any day. 

Which brings me smoothly on to what I was meant to be talking about; Reverting To Type was based at Standpoint Gallery in Coronet Street, it was mentioned in Creative Review so I was looking forward to seeing it. A whole gallery of beautifully screen printed/letter pressed pieces that instantly inspired me more than anything else I'd seen in the week (this was on the last day). I wanted one. Lots. But I couldn't really afford £30, which was the minimum price, and that was for the exhibition poster, which in itself is actually so so nice. Here it is:

Anyway before I even had a chance to contemplate spending my money a staffy dog jumped out the 3 story window of the flat above the gallery and me and my 2 friends were pretty traumatised as it smacked the pavement and started gushing blood and had to be rushed to the vets. If any of you are actually concerned, it didn't die, although I really thought it had. We rang a couple of days after we got back and it had broken it's ribs and all it's legs but it was on the mend.

So I don't really know if Reverting To Type will ever be shown again, I don't really know how the Standpoint gallery works but if it ever did come back to London I would definitely recommend going, even if you aren't a typography nerd like me. Hopefully they'll have closed the window in the flat.  

I did however get tickets for Radio 1's Big Weekend if that counts as an event? 

I don't think I did 5 interesting things this summer. 

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